Linggo, Hulyo 24, 2011

Filipino Values...

Filipino Values...

Filipino Values refers to the set of values or the value system that a majority of Filipino people have historically held important in their lives.Filipino values show respects and good traits  in all aspects.

Saying "po and opo" Filipino says po and opo to the the elders to show respect. These are the words that Filipinos use to show their respect when talking to elders and/or to someone that they respect. They usually punctuate or end a usual sentence in a conversation.  “opo” is sometimes equivalent to “yes” when answering questions from a respected person or from an elder.

"Respecting the Elders"  Filipino is so respectful one of sign being respectful of Filipino is "pagmamano".
"Pagmamano" usually done by young Filipinos when they see their older relatives or other people older to them. When young filipinos says "mano po" the elder will raise his/her right hand and when the young strike the hand of the elder to his/her forehead the elders usually says "kaawaan ka ng Diyos". Young filipinos usually did this every they see elders, in the evening, and when there is visitor visiting their house.

"Bayanihan" refers to a spirit of communal unity or effort to achieve a particular objective. "Bayanihan" is usual to Filipinos they help each other to achieve a particular goal or to help others. "Bayanihan" usually done when there is calamities or disaster happened. "Bayanihan" also is work for others without a price but sometimes the people who joined the "bayanihan" have a rewards and its is the "bayanihan spirit".

"The Filipino wants to harmonize the object and the subject, while at the same time holding both as distinct."
Elements of Filipino Philosophy (1974), Leonardo Mercado 

1 komento:

  1. Filipinos have really great values. Just take the value of bayanihan. We can always rely on our friends and relatives to help us in times of need.
    Thanks for posting. ;)
