Huwebes, Hunyo 30, 2011


pet peeve (or pet hate) is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to him or her, to a greater degree than others may find it.

OK my pet peeves or hates naturally don't have many hates I just hate something or somebody when it is bad or so annoying.First I really hate users they use you to have fun or something in you  that will hurts your feelings after all the times you spent with that person/s.

> hahahahaha.

I really hate math because my blood is spilling through my ears and my mind is breaking to pieces because of all the numbers,problems, and etc.
But i need to study math because it's part of our studies and opportunities in school.

I hate problems because it makes me sad that's why i can't concentrate to a certain thing or work and my patience is goes short.

That's why I hate sadness because when you have problems the sadness will came out. Sadness makes me down every time and more angry about something(can't control my feelings).

  Maybe that's all I can say about my hates XD.tnx  ^_^

Sabado, Hunyo 25, 2011

My IDOL!(blog # 3)


My IDOL is my Dad his name is Anthonio I usually call him tatay he is 49 years old turning to 50 on October 10. He born in October 15, 1961 on Baliuag, Bulacan. He graduated college at Baliwag University and his course is BS Management. After my father graduated he met my mother Camela Broňoso until my father court my mother and they lived together and until they decided to be marry each other and BOOOM wedding celebration. After that until we arrived on earth my father worked in Taiwan for years to sustain our needs for living. Until my father went back home here in the Philippines and he decided not to go back in Taiwan. Now he is working as a mechanical worker in near by automobile shop.

My is a hardworking person  he work hard to sustain our every day needs to live even if some days income is low because my father earnings is depended by how many customers every day. He is working also in our farm after his all day work in the shop that making him more tired. He is also a friendly person that why he have so many friends even others of his friends are far away they are going to our house just to have some fun and some celebration. I don’t know why I don’t get the hardworking personality of my father I only got his some friendly personality XD. I love him even if he is always get angry at me because I am so addicted in computers when I am in high school but I now I lessen my playing hours. Hehehehe . My father loves all of us and we love them.

I don’t have anything to say he is the best hardworking and loving dad for me.

Linggo, Hunyo 19, 2011


A FRIENDSHIP is a relationship between two or more friends and you use FRIENDSHIP to refer in a general  way to the state of being friends, or the feelings that friends have for each other in all times. Friendship started in many ways it may started in words, actions, and doings.

I am a friendly person you can count on me not in all times but you can count on me. I am a good friend and happy person even if other find it boring to be my friend. I only have only have few friends and some not so true friends they just want you have not you.hahahaha.  About my true friends they are the best for me because  I can count on them and as a true friend too they can count on me . Some of my friends  is calling me just to  seek for some help for some problems  about their lives and I helped them as far that I can go. I have a very special friend name Nicole she is my bestfriend I met her when I was in fourth year high school she is a a joyful person and thats why I'm happy to be his bestfriend I miss her a lot now a days. :)

Then I have a group a very special group  we are only three in our group KC,Daniel, and Me we call our group as "Tres Mongoliods" because our minds are weird and we are trippers. Our friendship started in the middle of the school year we are varsitarians in our school we play volleyball a lot and we're just a friends friends in that time then there is a problem occurred happened in our lives I feel loner , Daniel broke up with her gf, and a misunderstanding occurred with KC's friends. Then both of then  talked with me and we discussed about our problems until every day we're together  and we decided to name our group as Tres Mongoliods. We care for each others even if all the time bullying each other.
Sadly, our homes are far from each others and we enrolled in different universities.
I remember both of them when I'm with my new friends Ad and Raymond.
I value friendships because its a treasure for me.


Miyerkules, Hunyo 15, 2011

Myself XD blog fow LRWS

Ok ok this maybe my first blog evaH.
My blog is all about my self. I am Carlo B. Tiquia first year student at PWU Quezon City. I am 16 years old and  I live in Imperial Street,Cubao,City ,originally I live in Pulong Palazan,Candaba,Pampanga. I don’t know how to start to say who am I.
I’m not such a happy and perfect person but sometimes I just smiled even though there’s a problem. I’m like childish  person sometimes because as I will never pass the same way again as a teen. I’m a shy type sometimes and moody also but sometimes only because I’m afraid of being down by others but  I know if I don’t try there’s nothing is waiting for me. I am a friendly person and I like to hangout with my friends even though others are not that true(plastic) but I don’t mind them it just a matter of understanding what other person is really is. I like breads specially pandesal and I want to learn how to bake.

My hobbies are listening to music I like music but I’m not singing its just a way  to remove my boredom. I surf the net always if I have money and time then playing online games. The online game that I’m playing are good and bad for me because the other players are from all over the globe I can practice my English  in this game while playing and bad for me because I almost don’t want to sleep only to play but for now I will reduce my playing time because its school days already.
I know some martial arts because my aunt enrolled me in a summer class this past summer I graduated as yellow belt.
And my favorite sports and hobby is playing volleyball with my friends. I’m also a volleyball player when I’m in high school I remember my they said that I am part of the team I said “OMG! For the 4th year 4th tryout I qualified even if I’m not that good wow!” then I said to myself “maybe there’s no choice that’s why I qualified” LOL hahahaha.


I wish my college will be great and happy
Ok that’s all hopefully you like it even if boring.
Now I knew how to blog. Tnx :D