Linggo, Hunyo 19, 2011


A FRIENDSHIP is a relationship between two or more friends and you use FRIENDSHIP to refer in a general  way to the state of being friends, or the feelings that friends have for each other in all times. Friendship started in many ways it may started in words, actions, and doings.

I am a friendly person you can count on me not in all times but you can count on me. I am a good friend and happy person even if other find it boring to be my friend. I only have only have few friends and some not so true friends they just want you have not you.hahahaha.  About my true friends they are the best for me because  I can count on them and as a true friend too they can count on me . Some of my friends  is calling me just to  seek for some help for some problems  about their lives and I helped them as far that I can go. I have a very special friend name Nicole she is my bestfriend I met her when I was in fourth year high school she is a a joyful person and thats why I'm happy to be his bestfriend I miss her a lot now a days. :)

Then I have a group a very special group  we are only three in our group KC,Daniel, and Me we call our group as "Tres Mongoliods" because our minds are weird and we are trippers. Our friendship started in the middle of the school year we are varsitarians in our school we play volleyball a lot and we're just a friends friends in that time then there is a problem occurred happened in our lives I feel loner , Daniel broke up with her gf, and a misunderstanding occurred with KC's friends. Then both of then  talked with me and we discussed about our problems until every day we're together  and we decided to name our group as Tres Mongoliods. We care for each others even if all the time bullying each other.
Sadly, our homes are far from each others and we enrolled in different universities.
I remember both of them when I'm with my new friends Ad and Raymond.
I value friendships because its a treasure for me.


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